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Flying Camera with 3 batteries

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Color – Yellow

80 million pixels, front and rear dual cameras, 20 minutes of battery life per battery, 3 batteries,80 million pixels, front and rear dual cameras

 Draw the desired flight trajectory on the App to achieve automatic intelligent flight , 50x zoom, beauty filter, 360-degree surround shooting

    Flying Camera with 3 batteries
    Flying Camera with 3 batteries
    Flying Camera with 3 batteries
    Flying Camera with 3 batteries
    Flying Camera with 3 batteries
    Flying Camera with 3 batteries
    Flying Camera with 3 batteries
    Flying Camera with 3 batteries
    Flying Camera with 3 batteries
    Flying Camera with 3 batteries
    Flying Camera with 3 batteries
    Flying Camera with 3 batteries
    Flying Camera with 3 batteries
    Flying Camera with 3 batteries
    Flying Camera with 3 batteries
    Flying Camera with 3 batteries
    Flying Camera with 3 batteries
    Flying Camera with 3 batteries
    Flying Camera with 3 batteries
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